Help Fund Koan School
Show your support for Koan School by participating in these fundraising opportunities! Koan School is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. You may deduct charitable contributions made to our school if you itemize your deductions.
Fundraise with your Every Day Purchases
Shop online through Amazon Smile
Connect your Kroger Account (#46892) to Koan School
Give One-Time | Yearly Donations
Enroll in Employer-Sponsored Charitable Gift Giving
Host a fundraiser at your home or business
Purchase an item off one of our Amazon Wish Lists
Provide items for our Annual Silent Auction and Raffle
Participate in our other Fundraising Opportunities
Make a one-time or yearly financial contribution
Make Recurring Monthly Contributions
Help cover General Operating Expenses
Support Educational Programs (see below)
Provide a Scholarship for Tuition
Email for more information on setting up recurring ACH donations.
Your participation in the fundraising opportunities above help support our academic programs, as well as:
After School Enrichment Programs
Community-Based Service Learning
Study Abroad
Animal & Agricultural Education
Maker Space
Science Labs